Subcontractor 2.0 | User Account and Notifications

In this article, you will learn how to access and update your user-specific account details and notification settings.

1. Navigate to, to access your personal notifications and information click on your name in the upper right-hand corner.

For example, click "Jessica Royer"

2. Click "My Account"

3. GCs can and do utilize the contact details you provide. You can update them here.

4. Click "Notifications" to update the emails you receive from PlanHub related to projects GCs have posted. 

5. Turn emails on or off by clicking on the Envelope icon.

6. Customize which projects you get invitations to bid (ITB) on based on the trades and regions.

Click the "Select Trades & Subtrades(14)" field for Trade filters.
Click "Select States & Regions" to adjust the filters for project location.

7. You can customize your ITBs further by using the Saved Keywords notifications. Click into the field and enter the words or phrases you find on plans and documents that indicate your work is needed. We will scan all projects you receive an ITB for and notify you when we find that your phrase(s) occurred on the documents the GC provided on a project.

Example Phrases include product names, trade names, schedule names (finish
schedule, wall schedule), section or division names, and brand names.
• Click in the text box labeled "Enter your keywords here"
• Type in your keyword or phrase and use your "Enter" key to save the word/phrase.