How to Access Your Dashboard on Planhub
- Log into PlanHub
- If already logged in click on "Dashboard " in the page menu to the left.
The Dashboard is a company-level review of your account and team's (users) activity in PlanHub.
3. You can target a specific time frame by using the date range option.
4. You can target a rolling time frame by clicking on the time frame options.
Options are:

5. Review the number of projects your team has been invited to bid on in the "ITBs Received" section.
6. Review the number of projects your team has saved in the "Saved Leads" section.
7. Review the number of Connections (GCs) your team is following in the "Following" section.
8. Review the number of GCs that have listed your company/account as in-network (following you) in the "In-network" section.
9. Review the number of project leads in each status in the "Leads This Year" section.
10. Review the number of Jobs you/your team has added to the Jobs section by status in the "Jobs This Year" section.
11. Review the count of jobs in each status in the "My Job's Status This Year"