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  2. Account Profile and Billing

How to cancel a Paid PlanHub subscription

This article will lay out how to cancel a paid subscription with PlanHub.

To cancel your Paid PlanHub subscription (*not free), you must speak with your Account Manager directly to begin the process.

Your cancellation will be finalized upon completion of a brief exit interview with your Account Manager that includes completing of a Cancellation Questionnaire Form. This form can be obtained from your Account Manager or Customer Support.

To begin the process (paid accounts only) :

  • Please call toll-free 866-752-6482, Press 3 for Billing, and ask to speak with your Account Manager about canceling.
  • Please send an email to your Account Manager directly or to CustomerSuccess@planhub.com (paid accounts only).

Remember, calling or emailing is just the first step in beginning the process. The process will not finalize until you have completed the Cancellation Questionnaire Form with your Account Manager.

*If you are on a free trial or have the Basic Free Membership, there is no need to cancel your account. You can adjust your Notification Settings or Contact Support to inactivate your account.