Bid Planner for Subcontractors

Bid Planner Shows you in one dashboard view all the projects your company is working on. This article will walk you through how to navigate Bid Planner.

"Like" a project and it will add it to the Bid Planner. 

Bid planner organizes projects into categories depending on how far advanced they are.

Saved/Bidding - is where you can find all the saved projects selected for bidding. 

In progress - is where projects that you started working on, but didn't submit a bid yet, can be found. 

Bid submitted - Find all the projects you submitted bids to in one place. 

GC Awarded - Use this tab to manage all projects where you know the general contractor has been awarded. 

Won - Have all your won projects in one place. 

Not Awarded - Keep and archive all not awarded projects.


The video below will show you more of the Bid Planner functionality.